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Likpe Senior High School

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Likpe gave birth to her first Community Secondary School on 16th September, 1968. Thirty-eight (38) students enrolled on the memorable day after the opening service which was conducted by the late Rev. W.  K.  Kwawu.

Chiefs and people of Likpe, Teachers and pupils and other dignitaries were at the opening service. The occasion was grand.

The first Management Committee of LISEC were:

  1. Mr. E. K.  Asamoah                                –               Manager
  2. Mr. Emilson Kwashie –               Assistant Manager

After six years of existence of LISEC as a private school, the Ministry of Education absorbed it into the public system in September, 1974.

On 15th October, 1974 LISEC re-opened as Government Assisted School with a student population of 129; (84 boys and 45 girls).

It is sad to mention that, with reference to the Director-General’s letter PSS.51/75 of 29th October, 1974, Government Assistance was withdrawn and the school’s absorption into the Public System revoked.

The chiefs and people of Likpe Traditional Area petitioned the Government against the Ministry of Education’s abrupt withdrawal of assistance of the Likpe Secondary School.

Likpe Secondary School again remained a recognized private school for two more academic years.

Likpe Secondary School was again absorbed into the public system with effect from 1st September, 1976. Life of the school was restored.

The Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Likpe Mate freely relinquished her Middle School buildings and compound to Likpe Secondary School.

Later the Dzahene clan of Likpe Mate also freely offered a large portion of land around the school for expansion and development. The school’s Motto,  “New Day”  has really dawned for the entire community.


Our academic performance has improved. The 2008/2009 academic year group scored 100% passes with a reasonable number qualifying for admissions into tertiary institutions in the country and beyond.


Likpe Secondary School has excelled in co-curricular activities in the district and beyond.

In the inter-school’s Drama Competition on the topic “Indiscipline and Intolerance in Schools”, Likpe Senior High School came first in the district and fourth in the Region. In the District Cultural Festival, LISEC swept all the prizes in Dance Drama, Poetry Recital, Drum Language and Corals. LISEC, therefore represented the Volta Region in the National Cultural Festival.


Through management of the stakeholders, of this school, the PTA Old Students, Chiefs and elders of Likpe Community and the District Assembly the school has put up a bungalow which housed two, house parents, a male tutor and a female tutor. This would enable us control indiscipline in the school.

The school, with support of the community has started putting up a bungalow for the Headmaster. A voluntary group of students from the

  1. S. A.  and Canada came to give us their support. Thanks to Mr. Henry Akleih through whose initiative these volunteers have come to us.

Likpe Senior High School has dynamic members of the Board of Governors who are steering the affairs of the school.

  2. Agriculture Science: General Agriculture, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics
  3. Business: Business Management, Business Mathematics & Principles of Costing, Principles of Accounting, Economics
  4. Visual Arts: General Knowledge in Art, Graphic Design, Textiles, Music, Economics, Chemistry, Biology
  5. General Science: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Elective Mathematics
  6. General Arts: In English, French, Ewe, Music, Geography, Economics, History, Government


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