Ndewura Jakpa Senior High School
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To be among the best Senior High/Technical Institutions of Ghana by way of turning out students of good academic, moral, physical and spiritual levels to further their education into tertiary and other institutions of higher learning.
Creating a conducive environment in the school for effective teaching and learning and for promoting management efficiency and judicious use of resources to produce the advent manpower in the fields of the academics, technical and vocational skills to couple with knowledge in information communication technology (ICT) that will promote a sustainable human resource development in a competitive world
The school crest has the following symbols in it:
- i) Sewing Machine – represent Vocational Department Programme
- ii) Hammer – representing the technical Department Programme
iii) A plant – representing the Agricultural Programme
- iv) A book standing in for knowledge
- v) Olympic touch – the school participates in sports
- vi) A spear representing the might of Nedwura Jakpa the spear holder and founder of the Gonja after whom the school is named.
School Motto
Truth and Service” reflects dedication to teaching and learning to achieving good academic performance, moral and spiritual upliftment.
Ndewura Jakpa senior high/technical school as opened on 28th January, 1991 on the premises of the then Damongo junior secondary school which was by then a Girls Middle Boarding School established in 1958.
Mr. Adam Edmond Techi (now deceased), the first Ag. Headmaster started the school with five members of staff and a student population of 52.
On the 18th of April, 1997, Mr. S.B. Awari took over as Ag. Headmaster of the school During his turner of office he worked hard to change the name of the school from Damongo secondary technical school (DASETECH) to Ndewura Jakpa Secondary Technical School now Senior High/Technical School (NDESCO).
Mr. Issaka Hamidu A. took over the administration and management of the school on 5th August, 2003 as a substantive Headmaster. Mr. Issaka Hamidu worked hard to achieve his dream in September, 2006 when the school was granted boarding status. With this fresh impetus the catchment areas of the school extended beyond the frontiers of West Gonja District to all regions of Ghana. The school is currently headed by Mr. Duut J. Peter who took over as Headmaster on the 11th of January, 2010.
The school land which is property acquired and documented is located in Damongo – Zongo off Damongo – Tamale road.
The school population currently stands at 480 made up of 313 male and 167 female. The staff number up to teaching staff and non teaching staff. (see list attached). The school runs five (5) programme: Agriculture, General Arts, Home Economics, Technical and visual Arts.
The school has a well constructed football field and an athletics oval. There are also two volley ball pits. The school also participates in all competitions and performs well.
- Stakeholders
- i) The old students are a key factor in the development of the school. They have donated football and volley ball post to the school. Others are donations of textbooks to the library. They are also represented on the school board of governors.
- ii) The school has a viable PTA who supported the school in the provision of furniture for both staff and students, double Decker beds for students, acquiring accommodation for teachers etc.
iii) The traditional authority played a major role in the release of the school land at no cost.
- iv) The District Assembly supported the roofing of the dinning hall when it was de-roofed by wind.
- v) An individual Mr. Alex Sofo a former MP of Damongo 23 seater Benz Bus GW2254W to the school in 2006
- vi) CAMFED – Sponsors some female students by paying off their miscellaneous fees through out their stay in the school, CAMFED too provide the girls with notebooks and uniforms CAMFED donated assorted textbooks to the school library, individuals and groups in the community and beyond offer different kinds of support to the school.
- i) Classrooms – 12
- ii) Dormitories – 6 (large rooms)
iii) Staff Common Room – 1
- iv) Staff Accommodation – 2 Bungalows
– 2 Semi-detached quarter
– 1 Junior staff quarters
- v) Other facilities- A technical workshop for woodwork and metalwork
Available Dates
Working Hours
- Monday Open all day
- Tuesday Open all day
- Wednesday Open all day
- Thursday Open all day
- Friday Open all day
- Saturday Open all day
- Sunday Open all day