Osei Tutu Senior High School, Akropong-Ashanti
- Viewed - 1368
TEL. NO: 0289518955
Motto: My Utmost For His Highest
The school is set up to achieve a high level of academic, spiritual and moral excellence with the view to serving as torch-bearer to reflect the hopes and aspirations of Ghanaians in general and Asanteman in particular.
Osei Tutu Senior High School began as a Middle Boys Boarding School in 1940 with thirteen (13) boys in the premises of a bungalow at the Freeman College located directly opposite the Freeman College.
The first headmaster was Rev. Arthur W. Banks, M.A. B.Sc. who was assisted by Messrs A.C. Denteh and Eric Awuah. There were 13 pupils including Dr. Charles Graham, one time senior lecturer of K.N.U.S.T., Mr. Isaac Oguame Tettey B.Sc., B. Com (former solicitor and advisor to the Bank of Ghana). Mr. Peter Kofi B.A., B. Com. who was once in the UK and Mr. James Adjei (one time great footballer and coach of the Black Stars) Eminent citizens such as His Excellency former President J.A. Kuffour, Mr. Addo Kuffour Minister of Defence and Justice Amoah Sakyi, Chairman of the National Reconciliation Committee and a host of others who have all passed through the Middle Boarding School.
In February 1948, the school under Mr. J.G. Quansah , Manager of Avenida Hotel, Accra, occupied the present site at Akropong-Ashanti. Enrolment at the time was 120 boys, 5 teachers. The school was however closed down in November, 1954, because parents could not pay the increased fees.
On the 24th day of November, 1955, the school re-opened as a two-year certificate ‘B’ Training College with the late A.K. Folson as the first Principal. This phase began with 60 students and 5 tutors.
Mr. Folson succeeded by Rev. C. K. Yamoah, B.D. (Lond) a one time President of the Methodist Church on 20th September, 1961. At this stage, student population stood at 160 with 7 tutors.
The college changed from 2 years Cert ‘B’ to a 4-year Cert ‘A’. In 1965. On 22nd September, 1966 Mr. J.O.T. Ansah B.A (Hons) D.A, Ed. succeeded Rev. Yamoah as principal. In 1972/73 Academic year when a number of Training Colleges in the country were converted into Secondary Schools, Osei Tutu Training College was affected and had to be run as a dual institution until the Training College component was phased out.
Papa J.O.T. Ansah led the Training College into the Secondary era and was succeeded by Mr. Amo Polley who was former Vice Principal. Since then, other Headmasters who have been in charge of Osei Tutu Secondary School are:
- Papa J.O.T. Ansah – 1972
- Amo Polley –
- S.K. Mensah – 1982-1990
- A.B. Rockson – May 1990 – Oct. 1990
- Very Rev. Abayie Sarpong – 1990 –Oct. 1996
- Ofori Yentumi – Oct.1996-Feb. 2004
- Very Rev. S. Peprah-Yeboah – 2004 to Date
Agric Programme General Agriculture Chemistry Physics Biology Mathematics
Business (Accounting Option): Business Management Business Mathematics & Principles of Costing Principles of Accounting Economics Elective Mathematics
Science Physics Chemistry Biology Elective Mathematics
General Arts Literature in English French Asante Twi Music Christian Religious Studies Geography Economics History Government General Knowledge In Arts Elective Mathematics
Visual Arts General Knowledge in Arts Graphic Design, Sculpture Textiles
- 7 dormitories contained in six blocks
- About 30 units staff bungalows
iii. 35 classrooms
- A library and computer block contained in a two-storey building.
- A modern Administration Block with conference room by Get Fund
- Day students Canteen
- Dispensary Unit housed in the Administration block
- 3 unit science laboratory (CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS, BIOLOGY)
- A three-chamber Dining Hall
- An Old kitchen and new kitchen using gas for cooking
- A School Field of 400m oval.
- A new Assembly Hall and Chapel Complex under construction
The school has chalked several successes. For example, during a Regional Quiz on Asante History, this noble institution, O.T.S.H.S. was the best school and adjudged the winner. In 2007 another quiz was organized by the District Directorate of Education, and O.T.H.S. was second.
The Drama Group is no exception. The school was first during the ARSRC Students Week Literary Competition organized by the ARSRC in 03-02-2004. During the 2008/2009 academic year Competition, OTSHS, was second. At an Inter-District Cultural Competition organized by the G.E.S., OTSHS, representing the Atwima Nwabiagya District, was second. The School then represented the Ashanti Region for the 7th 2nd Cycle National Festival of Arts held-Tamale on the 1st-5th September 2005 and was adjudged the winner (1st). On the 6th of February, 2010, O.T.S.H.S participated in the 13th Annual Literary Competition and was second.
Academic performance keeps on improving year after year. For instance the Summary of WASSCE Results for the 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 academic years are as follows:
The Best performance is seen in the Business Programme in which more As and Bs are scored with few or none getting grades beyond C.
Available Dates
Working Hours
- Monday Open all day
- Tuesday Open all day
- Wednesday Open all day
- Thursday Open all day
- Friday Open all day
- Saturday Open all day
- Sunday Open all day