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Presbyterian Senior High School, Bompata

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Tel:  0342092884.


Our vision is to make secondary education accessible to post-basic students, especially within the local area, to harness their talents and capabilities, and equip them with academic aptitudes, employable skills, socio-cultural values, as well as inculcating moral and spiritual discipline into them.


Our mission, as a Presbyterian School, therefore is to develop the youth of the locality in particular and Ghana as a whole into useful citizens.


The crest of the school is an embodiment of the aspirations of the founding fathers and the Presbyterian Church as a whole. The emblem itself is similar to that of the Presbyterian Church. It is like a shield divided into four parts by a cross, each edge of the cross extending to the periphery of the shield, making the middle look like a crossroad. The outline is in red colour, and the background blue. In the middle is a traditional stool, signifying the traditional authority which initiated the plan for the setting up of the school and consequently released land for it. On top of the stool is an open Bible, signifying the potency of the word of God in character moulding. The motto of the school ‘Sua Na Som’, literally meaning ‘Learn and Serve’ is written at the bottom of the shield, and it is also another indication of the vision of the school — one must be equipped with a good stock of knowledge before he is able to serve better. The year 1965 in which the training college which metamorphosed into a secondary school and now a senior high school was established is also shown. Below is a sketch of our crest.


Presbyterian Senior High School, Bompata, with its present site and buildings, has metamorphosed through what used to be the Presbyterian Middle School, which was converted into a teacher-training college in 1965, and when in 1972, a number of teacher-training colleges were phased out due to the then government’s programme of restructuring the colleges to make them more functional, Bompata Secondary School was born out of it in 1973. The school came under the Presbyterian management on 3rd December 1997, hence its current name, Presbyterian Senior High School, Bompata. It is located at Bompata, Asante Akyem South, about 3km only away from Asankare on the main Kumasi – Accra highway.

Presby SHS, Bompata, is a mixed institution with boarding facilities for both boys and girls.

The leadership of the school sees to organize special programmes to showcase their important records to the public. The latest was the launching in 2005 of the 40th Anniversary of the school, and celebrated in 2006.


In the mid- 1990’s the school almost collapsed when for two consecutive years (1991 and 92) the entire results of the School Certificate were cancelled. The school faced a disaster, for it was no longer attractive to students and guardians. This is why the Presbyterian Church came to its rescue and worked for its revival. Fortunately, it started making acceptable marks in the early 2000s. The latest results for WASSCE have shown a remarkable improvement.

In 2006, the average percentage was 74.9 for a total of 113 candidates.

In 2007, the average percentage was 69.2 for a total of 137 candidates.

In 2008 it was 71.2% for a total of 123 candidates.

In 2009, the average percentage rose to 74.7% for a total of 146 candidates.

Our school is yet to register her name in the National Science and Mathematics Quiz, but in regional and district quizzes, we perform quite creditably. In the field of sports, we fall within the average group at the regional level, but our volleyball team both boys and girls are the best at the district level.


We have substantial academic and non-academic facilities. Our academic facilities include a 12-unit storey classroom block and another 4-unit classroom block, a science laboratory, another two-apartment block for Visual and Home Economics practicals.

A new administration block which is near completion has been put up. Apart from offices for the headmaster, his assistant(s) and the accounting staff, the new administration block will also accommodate the administrative staff and also has halls for library, the staff and the storekeepers.

New recreational grounds for soccer and athletics will soon be constructed by the contractor working on the new administration block. We also have a volleyball pitch.


We pursue five academic programmes at the moment. These are General Arts, Science, Business Home Economics and Visual Arts. There are plans to introduce Agriculture as a second science programme and to expand the Arts, Visual and Home Economics programmes by introducing other subjects in these areas. This will include Literature in English and French for the Arts, Picture Making and Textiles for Visual Arts and Clothing and Textiles for Home Economics.


To make for a holistic education, we embark on sporting, cultural, environment and other personality development activities very seriously. There are also societies and clubs like Scripture Union, School Choir, Civic Club, and Cadet Corps, aside the well-known denominational groups which cater for students individual spiritual needs. All these societies and clubs have patrons to direct and monitor their programmes and activities.


Our major stakeholders are the Parent-Teacher Association, the Traditional Council, The District Assembly, and the local Presbyterian Church. They are vibrant stakeholders contributing immensely to the school’s education-delivery programmes. The PTA is, at the moment, constructing a 1,500 capacity assembly hall for the school. The Traditional Authority provided the chunk of the lumber that was used for the roofing. The District Assembly also donated 20 bags of cement and 3 packets of roofing sheets this 2010/11 year to support the maintenance of our existing structures and a polytank for use at our kitchen, while the local Presbyterian Church provided our electric water pump.

We have made conscious effort and have had two meetings with representatives of our old students. They are getting more members mobilized to lend a helping hand. There are also a few individual citizens working in the cities who have been generous to us by donating towards the schools’ development.


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