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Saint Monica’s SHS, Mampong

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TEL No.: 0561 – 22305


The school can be located on the Kumasi-Mampong Highway and it is 40 km away from Kumasi and lies on hilly area. It is bounded on the North by Ghana Highway Authority, Mampong; on the South by Mampong Municipal Hospital; on the East by Mampong Babies Home and on the West by Ejura/Mampong Highway.


To establish an institution whose influence could have a share in shaping the future of the country.  This is to be done through the provision of Christian Education to girls to make them good Christian girls and women, mothers and wives and to develop their talents, to use all the opportunities that come their way.  The school would become a centre for moral and academic excellence.


To provide quality and relevant Girl-child education to all Ghanaians at the secondary level to enable them acquire skills that will assist them to develop their potentials, to be productive to facilitate poverty reduction and to promote socio-economic growth and national development.


The school logo has a rich blend of traditional and religious symbols. It has been divided vertically into two halves; left and right.

  • The upper part of the left half has a traditional stool superposed with two crossed traditional horns. These represent the tradition and soul of the Mampong Traditional Council, which freely released land for the establishment of the school.
  • The bottom left has a set of three traditional symbols. ‘Mpuanum’ representing female beauty. These stand for the young girls who are admitted into the school. No, wonder both past and present students are referred to as ‘Ahocfε Munche’.
  • The right half of the crest has the MITRE of a bishop. This represents the authority of the church, the spiritual life of the school. It also symbolises the vision of the OHP Sisters and Bishop John Orfeur Aglionby who established the school.
  • The Motto of the school ‘Causa Conscientae’ is a Latin phrase, which translates as ‘for the sake of conscience’. It reminds anyone associated with the school to behave according to the dictates of his or her conscience.
  • Another motto ‘Each for all and all for God’ is general to all the schools in St. Monica’s Complex.

Officially, the school is known as ST. Monica’s Senior High School. However, it is popularly known as MUNCHE (Monica’s). Both the present and past students of the school are known as “AHOOFE MUNCHE”.

The birth of the convent of Our Lady and Saint Monica is linked to the missionary work of Rt. Rev John Orfeur Aglionby, the Anglican Bishop of the then Gold Coast.  In 1926, the Bishop invited the Sisters of the Order of the Holy Paraclete – England to set up a school for Girl – Child Education.  Despite the news about Whiteman dying from malaria, the Sisters took that bold step towards Africa i.e. Gold Coast.  In October 1926, the Prioress-sister Margaret accompanied by three other sisters: Dorothy, Gertrude and Lilla arrived in the Gold Coast; went to Cape Coast, rented a building and started the convent of our Lady and St. Monica and its school.

Due to lack of Land for expansion, the school was relocated to Mampong Ashanti on a parcel of land given to the sisters by Nana Osei Bonsu I  – Mamponghene through the influence of the then Asantehene Nana Prempeh I.

In January 1946, St. Monica’s Secondary School was started with Sixteen (16) young girls from all over the country.  This was the first girls’ secondary school in Ashanti and the Northern sector of the country.  The little seed has now blossomed into a lovely flower.

The school is both day and boarding.

Important School Date – Founders Day: 13th November, St. Monica’s Day

This is to commemorate our patroness Saint Monica as she was known after her death and she is still called.  She lived in Africa, which should be a special joy to Africans, and her life teaches us how we can win others for God as she won her husband and son.


Academic excellence was the pillar that the school was built on with discipline as the hallmark.  This has been maintained for the past years and we hope to continue through eternity.  .

1977 – World Shangri-La (INDIA) Art competition (FIRST)

2002 – 1st Runner up – National Independence Day Anniversary Debate

2005 – 1st with 3 other schools – WAEC League table for SSSCE results.


2000 – 2007          –        Zonal Athletics champions – won Trophy for keeps

2002 – 2006          –            Super Zonal champions, Ashanti Region schools and colleges sports

2004                      –            Basketball Regional Champions

2005 up to date           –      800 metres Record holder

2006 up to date           –     Best student in Table Tennis

2008 up to date           –     Triple jump Record Holder

2008                                –                  Cross country champions

2004 – 2009                 –                     Monisec has been providing most of the athletes for the Regional Sports team.



i       Science resource Centre including ICT LAB

  1. 28 Classrooms

iii.     18 unit Classroom Block under construction – GET FUND

  1. 1 Library
  2. Adequate Textbooks


Tennis Court, School field

  1. General Arts: Literature-In-English, Christian Religious Studies, Government, Twi, French, History, Economics, Elective Mathematics, Geography
  2. General Science: Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Elective Mathematics, Geography
  3. Business (Accounting Option): Accounting, Business Mathematics, Elective Mathematics, Economics
  4. Business (Secretarial Option): Business Mathematics, Typing, Clerical and Office Duties, Economics
  5. Agriculture: Gen. Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Elective Mathematics
  6. Vocational – Home Economics: Management in Living, Food & Nutrition, Clothing & Textiles, General Knowledge in Art, Chemistry, Biology, Elective Mathematics
  7. Vocational – Visual Arts: General Knowledge in Art, Ceramics, Graphics, Textiles, Chemistry, Elective Mathematics


    1. Parent/Teacher Association – PTA.
    2. Old St. Monicans
    3. Mampong Traditional Council
    4. Mampong Municipal Assembly
    5. Anglican Community

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Now Open UTC + 0
  • Monday Open all day
  • Tuesday Open all day
  • Wednesday Open all day
  • Thursday Open all day
  • Friday Open all day
  • Saturday Open all day
  • Sunday Open all day

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