Ve Senior High School, Ve Koloenu
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The school’s main vision is to produce students of academic and moral excellence for the world of work and being. With its disadvantaged position of being rural and lacking many resources, the school hopes to take the extra mile to produce a well balanced human resource of academic and moral base.
The Ve Senior High School was established primarily, to provide secondary education with agriculture bias for the youths to make economic use of the abundant land in the locality and also to make quality secondary education easily accessible to the people who hitherto did not have, thus denying potential great academicians the opportunity to higher education due to poverty, and also satisfying government’s education for all agenda., instilling moral, spiritual and academic excellence among students so as to maintain high integrity and quality as pace setters
Thus, the School hopes to provide relevant secondary education that will turn out students with four main benefits namely: a) High academic achievements, b) social benefits, c) High student participation and, d) economic benefits after school.
The motto is:-Knowledge, Unity & Sacrifice. The crest has the following features: a) a handshake, b) an open book, c) laboratory reagent bottle on the left opened book and a hoe on the right opened book. The Crest is set in a green and yellow background. The significance of the crest is as follows:
i. Handshake:-This symbolizes unity of the Ve people.
ii. Open book:-Knowledge.
iii. Laboratory reagent bottle:- knowledge in Science & Technology for development.
iv. Hoe:-Knowledge desired to till the land for economic prosperity and sacrifice
v. Green: The rich lands of the Ve.
vi. Yellow:-The traditional colour of the Ve showing its riches as measured in gold symbolism.
Ve Senior High School’s name was coined to take into consideration the mission of its establishment. The Ve is represented by eight communities namely: 1. Koloenu,2. Dafor, 3. Golo Kuati, 4. Wudome, 5.Agbome, 6. Hoeme,7. Gbodome and 8. Deme. Ve Deme is the seat of the paramountcy.
It was established in 1968 by the Community and in 1994, it was fully integrated into the Government education system.
The School is located about twenty (20) kilometers south of Hohoe on the Hohoe- Accra main road. It is located in Ve-Koloenu, the first Ve community after leaving Hohoe. The school has a land area of about one hundred and thirty five acres that can be used for infrastructural development as well as for its agricultural programmes.
i. Important School Dates: July 2nd 2010 marked the 40th Anniversary Day.
ii. Status of the School:
a. Boarding: The school runs boarding facility for about hundred students given the limited boarding facilities available. Opportunity is given to students who come from outside the community. provided they opted to be boarders.
b. Day: A great number of the students are day students. They come from the eight communities as well from neighbouring towns and villages. Accommodation is freely available for hiring. A’ hot’ meal is provided as lunch for the students at a token of forty Ghana pesewas a meal.
c. Hostel: There is also hostel accommodation available for student either from the communities or from afar.
SSCE and WASSCE: Despite the challenges facing the school, it has achieved academic successes. Find below a table showing the performance of the school from 2002 to 2009.
2002 20 18 2 90.00
2003 23 22 1 95.65
2004 35 34 1 97.14
2005 47 47 – 100
2006 54 54 – 100
2007 107 103 4 96.26
2009 83 79 4 95.00
It is to be acknowledged that the MP’s academic cup of Excellence in the Hohoe South Constituency was first won by the School in 2003 and again in 2005. In the second cycle SSCE league in 2003 table country- wide, the school placed 144th out of 467 schools.
On Agriculture, it was adjudged the best District School for the 22nd National Farmers Day. Celebration
In sports, the school won the MP’s Sports Award in 2007. It also won the MP’s Quiz in the same year.
In 1999, it won the first position in Poetry recitals for the Second Cycle inter- schools competition in the Hohoe Municipality.
a. Academic Facilities:
i. Classrooms: The school has four 3-units -Classroom blocks giving a total of 12 Classrooms.
ii. The School has a mini Science Laboratory which takes care of the Integrated Science and Chemistry courses being run in the school.
iii. Library: The School has a mini library that can sit about twenty students at a time. It has an assorted number of books.
iv. Computer Laboratory: The School has a mini computer laboratory. It has about twenty computers for ICT training.
v. The school farm: The school farm is a resource for learning as well as supplementing feeding in the dinning hall. The 25-acre palm plantation supplies palm nuts for the kitchen as well as palm oil also for the kitchen. There is also bee farming going on. In addition, the school undertakes the cultivation of food crops such as maize and beans. Wednesday afternoons are set aside as project days for students to help with food production.
vi. Visual Art Studio: The studio is a 40th Anniversary monument, presented to the school by the Member of Parliament for the Hohoe South Constituency, Hon. Joseph Z. Amenuwode.
b. Non-Academic Facilities.
i. Soccer field: The school has a standard field which is under development to cater for all games and sports. At present, we have volley and net ball pitches.
ii. A bore-hole: The school has a bore-hole, the only source of water available to the school. There are plans to mechanize the bore-hole for efficiency. The Koloenu-river, lies about a kilometer away from the school. In times of need, students go there for water.
iii. The headmaster’s bungalow: This is of historical interest because this is the first bungalow to be built for the school. The headmaster’s bungalow is through the collaborative efforts of the school, VELIS, the Ve Community and the District Assembly.
Agriculture: Gen. Agriculture, Crop Husbandry, Horticulture Forestry, Fisheries. Chemistry, Elective Mathematics
Business: Accounting, Costing, Elective Mathematics, Economics, French, Business Management
Home Economics: General Knowledge in Art, Foods & Nutrition, Chemistry, French, Management. in Living, Clothing & Textiles
Visual Arts: General Knowledge in Art, Jewellery Chemistry, Graphic design, Textiles, French
General Arts: Ewe, French, Literature in English, Christian Religious Studies, Economics, Government, Elective Mathematics, Geography
A lot of co-curricular activities are undertaken in the school to achieve our vision of producing moral excellence. The most significant among these are:
• Sports and games; This includes field and track events as well as indoor games.. we have always participated in the Hohoe Municipal Inter-School zonal and contributed athletes and football players to the regional team.
• Scripture Union: The club’s activities are well pronounced and coordinated. They are affiliated to the National Scripture Union.
• The Chaplaincy: It has the board that deals with the spiritual and moral needs of students and staff.
• Air force Cadet Corps:
• Civic Education Club.
• French Club
• Drama & debating Club, etc.
i. Old Students: They are up and coming. They have contributed to social development of the school by providing gadgets for entertainment. From time to time, they also organize guidance and counseling activities to aid the students.
ii. Parent Teacher Association (PTA): It is viable. The Association has contributed to the infrastructural, academic and moral development, of the school.
iii. The traditional Authority is very much interested in the development of the school. They pay courtesy calls on the school to find out its progress. At the just ended 40th anniversary celebration of the school, the Paramount chief, Togbuiga Delume VII, the Fiaga of Ve, donated assorted books to the school to be awarded as prices to deserving students and staff. The community, especially, Koloenu, has donated land to the school. Some of the founding members are: Mr. Henry Gbadagba(lateTogbui Tendeku VII), Mr. Michael Seneadza, Mr. Theodore Dzogbenuku, Togbui Mankrado Ansakortsu XI and Mr.Nicholas Dometi.
iv. Ve Indigenous Improvement Society ( VELIS): This body is dominant in the affairs of the school. As a body, they have championed the cause of the school. As individuals, they have contributed immensely to the overall improvement of the school. VELIS is also instrumental in the construction of the Headmaster’s bungalow as well as contributing resources for the 40th anniversary celebration.
v. Joseph Lodigiani and Nicholas (Manitoba) Atadza: The school owes its cornerstone to the contribution of these notable figures who donated the foundation block at the present site. The block is known as the Nicholas Atadza Block. The block adds to the mission of the school as an agricultural school.
vi. The Hohoe Municipal Assembly: The Municipal Assembly is very much alive to its responsibilities. It took up from where VELIS and The Community left off in the construction of the Headmaster’s bungalow to complete it. It has also supplied seedlings for an orchard.
vii. Dodzi Brothers – (NGO): Responsible for the establishment of the 25- acre oil palm plantation in the school. The NGO continues to show interest in the school.
viii. Friends for Life- (NGO) Based in Accra: Donated sports and science equipment to the and continue to support.
Available Dates
Working Hours
- Monday Open all day
- Tuesday Open all day
- Wednesday Open all day
- Thursday Open all day
- Friday Open all day
- Saturday Open all day
- Sunday Open all day